Thursday, March 20, 2008

mozila firefox slovenski

I sometimes find weird things when I use wordtracker. Some times I just make a puzzled face and move on, sometimes I investigate, sometimes I write myself a note to investigate later. Often times I lose those notes. To prevent that from happening again I'm going to start keeping the weird "found" things on a special page until I look at them.

Just for the record, if I think it's porn I'll leave it where I find it. If I investigate and it's porn I'll put it in the trash. If it's still interesting after I take a quick look I'll write something to share with other curious women.

"mozzila firefox slo"?
At first I thought there was a firefox hate site and that slo was a misspelling of slow.

Here's a list of misspellings and/or foreign spellings I found while searching for niche phrases related to firefox.

"mozzila firefox slo"

"mozila firefox slovenska"

"mozila firefox slovenski"

"mozila firefox slo"

"firefox mozila 2 slovenija"

"slovenska mozzila firefox"

"mozzila firefox slo download"

"download mozzila firefox slo"

"mozilla firefox slo download"

"download slo mozila firefox"

How much does it cost to buy a consonant?

How can hundreds of people misspell a simple phrase in the exact same way? one example: "mozila firefox dawnload". Guess typos happen.

download mozila firefox ?, mozzila firefox ? - IT'S MOZILLA, one Z and two L's, 18 scrabble points. Not
mozzila, unless you're playing scrabble with people who don't know. It's 27 points with the extra Z. There's no benefit to spelling it mozila. You lose a scrabble point. Consonants are free.

Some other questions I have about these phrases:
What does slovenski mean? I read that it's an adjective. The rest of the entry didn't make sense to me. Even weirder ... I looked up scrabble and "slovenski scrabble" came up.

"windowblinds leo firefox theme"?

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